Thursday, October 16, 2014

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Josep Lagares, Pattern Forum promotes "collaboration pcc in motion, promotes growth" jobs, the official trailer of the film's co-founder of Apple Appears pcc false BlackBerry Messenger application on Google Play Snowden left Hong Kong heading to Moscow to avoid extradition to the United States wants to compete with Instagram Come: new video feature and custom filters for iOS and Android A Facebook security flaw threatens data from 6 million users Gmail launches new tray Check with tabs to sort the mail accountemergenciescat pcc ignites controversy on Twitter with the tag # Mediterràniament Axel Springer personnel cuts and closes two magazines: 'iCreate' and 'How it works' Yahoo officially confirms pcc purchase of USD $ 1,100 million by Tumblr
Apparently, the collapse of a portion of the servers of Amazon Web Services (AWS) are affecting pcc many services and pages relied on the services of the company electonic American trade. Some of these websites are Foursquare, Reddit, Flipboard, Coursera, Minecraft, Airbnb, Github, Pitchfork, among others.
The cause of all this are the technical problems you are experiencing and the Amazon servers. As points, focuses on the incidence Elastic Compute Cloud Amazon (EC2), located pcc in Northern Virginia.
It is the second day that Amazon is experiencing a technical problem with these caracterísitques its servers. In June of this year, Netflix and Instagram stopped working in the middle of the United States of America.
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