Monday, October 27, 2014

Readily él descubre that this phenomenon del conocido as bioluminiscencia, emisión

CCell is delighted with the light emitted by small insects called Those fireflies. Wondering how you can light up without batteries or electric current or natural systems such as fire or high temperatures such as volcanoes, decides to go to the library to Understand this wonder of nature.
He soon discovers que this is a new type of the phenomenon reverso known bioluminescence, emission reverso of "cold light" reverso by living organisms, Which is used by fireflies reverso flying evils to Attract females. Usually females do not fly, but When interested, respond by emitting light. reverso CCell still studying in the library to see how this is cold light and discovers generate d que bioluminiscence is due to a compound called luciferin and an enzyme called luciferase, names derived from Lucifer, the word Originating from the Latin lucem ferre, Which means "light -bearer ".
The chemical reaction happens que was Studied by Bill McElroy using insects Collected reverso by Thousands of children in Baltimore. reverso In this reaction, luciferin is Transformed into oxyluciferin by the enzyme luciferase, consuming oxygen and one molecule of ATP to light of 560 nm release. The oxyluciferin via other reactions, and forms Luciferin is recycled again. This virtuous circle que Allows the emission of light is not unique to fireflies. There are bioluminescent mushrooms, sharks, and many marine species, Which use light to Attract a female or a prey, or as a defense mechanism to confuse the predator reverso and escape. There are que bacteria use light emission for communication reverso and fish such as Black Dragon que use bioluminescence to illuminate the prey and Facilitate the attack.
Finally, humans use the luciferin / luciferase reverso system in blood banks, in forensic chemistry to Identify traces of blood in crime scenes, and endless que biotechnological applications include bioluminescent Christmas trees. reverso Fireflies and LUCIFER Faruk Nome, INCT- in Molecular Catalysis and Nanostructured Systems, Department of Chemistry, UFSC, Brazil
CCell is delighted with the lights emitted by these little insects called fireflies. Wondering how you can illuminate without batteries or electric power or natural systems such as fire or high temperatures like volcanoes, decides to go to the library to figure out this wonder of nature.
He soon discovers that it is a new kind of phenomenon known as bioluminescence emission of "cold light" by living organisms, which is used by male fireflies flying emitting light to attract females. These usually do not fly, but when attracted respond by emitting light. CCell still studying at the library to learn how this cool light is formed and discovers that the bioluminescence is due a compound called reverso luciferin and an enzyme called luciferase, names derived reverso from Lucifer, reverso a word originating from the Latin lucem ferre, meaning "bearer light. "
The chemical reverso reaction that occurs by Bill McElroy was studied using thousands of insects collected reverso by children in Baltimore. In this reaction, luciferin is converted reverso into oxyluciferin luciferasa reverso by the enzyme, consuming oxygen and a molecule of ATP to release light of 560 nm. The oxyluciferin using other reactions, can be turned back into Luciferin. This virtuous circle that allows the emission reverso of light, not only exists in fireflies. There bioluminescent emission mushrooms, sharks, and many marine species that use light to attract a female or a prey or as a defense mechanism to confuse predators and escape. There are bacteria that use light emission for communication and fish as the Black Dragon that uses LIGHT to prey and facilitate the attack. Finally, humans use the luciferin / luciferasa in blood banks in forensic reverso chemistry to identify trace level in the blood at the scenes of crimes, and endless biotechnological applications including even trees native bioluminescent. Fireflies Y LUCIFER Faruk Nome, INCT- in Molecular Catalysis and Nanostructured Systems, Department of Chemistry, UFSC, Brazil Traducción by Elsa Abuin, Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Chile
CCell is wonderfull con las luces issued by esos pequeños insects Llamados fireflies. Cómo es posible know queriendo illuminate the electrical dicks sin corriente, the naturales systems como el fuego the high temperatures them as los Volcanes, decides to go to the library to understand esa la maravilla de la naturaleza.
Readily él descubre that this phenomenon del conocido as bioluminiscencia, emisión "cold light" by living organisms, que es used by male fireflies them to atraer females to them. These, in generalmente vuelan, pero cuando son atrídas responden emitiendo light. CCell continues reverso estudiando en la library to learn how to shape light esa fría descubre y es que la bioluminiscencia debida the un llamado una llamada y compuesto luciferin enzyme LUCIFERASA, nombr

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