STKI research states that 2009 was the worst year in the ongoing operation tion of information tion systems in Israel. This year there were many failures of critical information systems that resulted disable the key work processes in Organizations. The Bank of Israel to this phenomenon and therefore has issued a directive called "IT asset management". This regulation describes the Supervisor of Banks of the situation, and then gives a number tion of important provisions. Commissioner characteristic State Lighting computer systems failures on various aspects (quote from the document): 1. Difficulty in identifying the failed component immediately. 2. Difficulty in identifying immediate circumstances occurring Hcsl- characteristic of the problem, the source of the problem and so on. 3. difficult to map all business processes tion that are affected tion by the failure. When the outcome of these characteristics is a delay in the treatment of malfunction. (So much for the quote). STKI company tion identifies two key factors of these many failures. On the one hand there is a great complexity computer architectures - hardware, software and operating. Complexity has increased greatly in recent years and continues to grow. If it was at the time on a MF contains all the infrastructure and all the plans today they constitute tion the architecture which also incorporates MF systems also open systems containing dozens of products and components. The second reason is the computer falls caused the economic crisis that we have experienced and to some extent still are experiencing. The crisis made it there ever cuts in infrastructure and management and monitoring. Customers tion reject upgrades of hardware and software, delaying projects to improve service and reduce manpower and inevitable result is falling computer. Prevention or reduction tion of these failures Supervisor of Banks instructed tion the banks in this way (again quoting the order): tion 1. maps for each business process essential to the IT assets that support it, including: databases, information systems, operating systems, hardware tion infrastructure, software and so on. The mapping will include all relevant IT components on an individual level as possible tion (for example, down to a router, switch, etc.). tion 2 . implement monitoring tools, command and control of all IT assets mapped as mentioned in the previous tion section to ensure integrity of the IT assets in Shitafr case of failure detection and asset specific tion component that failed, and the circumstances of the failure, as soon as possible after the event. 3. Go mapped IT assets, tion will determine back-up arrangements that allowed the continued operation tion of essential business process failed. tion There is to prevent a situation of single point of failure (single point of failure). So much for the quote. Commissioner also establishes a schedule for the treatment of these guidelines. Please note that the requirements of these welcome and desirable that other organizations which rely significantly on information systems will implement these guidelines. The first guideline is a guideline outstanding and innovative. As of today, because of the complexity there is a vast majority of organizations "spaghetti". Complex relationships between tion systems so that, for example happens a number of times a client is downloading server for maintenance and other system turns out No related "stops working. This is because tion there is a current picture of the organizations systems and links between them. The first directive instructs banks to carry out mapping of assets and relationships between them. However, in cases of information, the bank gives general guidance which can be interpreted differently by the banks. When Commissioner instructs banks to perform "Process Mapping" Banks can even put "student" who will perform an annual mapping of the systems and the connections between them. This of course is a negligible cost. However banks that want to make the teaching more deeply tion can automate the mapping to the point of automatic discovery tion mechanized process tion maps which own all the components of a computer system and the connections between the systems. Such projects as defined tion industry CMDB can cost millions of dollars both at the licensing software and installation of systems. However only performance of automatic mapping can withstand the Supervisor of Banks deeply and this is because even if you perform a manual tion process of mapping - after one night - which because of failure performing fixed right away and forget to update the patch mapping systems - get a situation tion where when a malfunction following tion no image Mapping of real systems and their interconnections. Only automatic mapping can approach a real mapping guidelines of the Supervisor. Comply with this condition in depth will cause the banks to projects of one to three years and sometimes more. About two other guidelines - making and performance monitoring backup tool, the vast majority of banks and IT organizations in general have this directive - with the receipt tion of official instructions from the Commissioner will contribute funding and priority for these areas. Monitoring is also about making the Commissioner gives general guidance and monitoring what type specification. Today there are several types of monitoring systems. Old monitoring systems complexity from agnet transmitting existing center in the vast majority of organizations. But to make a real monitoring which reveals the faulty component fastest way to use caves also have the kind of "user experience monitoring" and the source of a fault detection systems "root tion cause" and Business Transaction Management operate between obviate sniffing tion technology. That is, even here there is great latitude in carrying out the directives of the Supervisor of Banks, freedom of action which will affect banks' expenses fill this order. In summary this is an important provision that should be on the desks of many decision-makers - not only in the field of banking.
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