Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Friends, IT governance and information security are a laboratory for developing innovation capabili

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So, let's start a professional definition of innovation (Innovation): "Development of customer bpp value through solutions that speak to new needs, the needs are not defined or older needs in new ways." And in simpler words (mine): Innovation is the creation of new value and / or there is another solution. To me, innovation, bpp beyond the new things we did not know, is primarily to take something bpp there "and to provide" more value from it than he has given so far. A hint of things to come: IT governance and information bpp security management bring added value to the technological ...
Innovation is a precious commodity !! New inventions, innovations and entrepreneurship are increasingly required to survive in the business world we live in and this is true across the board in all sectors and most organizations. "New" becomes obsolete bpp faster than ever before, resulting in increased demand for constant innovation. Therefore, the competition for the human factor is sharpened and the search for original thinking, recognized by most managers as: thinking outside the box, getting more and more momentum. Technological world there are two types of solutions, on the one hand, classical solutions of the development of the knowledge gained on the other hand, solutions "innovative", unpredictable and not a few cases quite simple, that take advantage of existing knowledge bpp and give it a new interpretation and a new value and / or information. As the complexity of technology increases, a growing need for innovative solutions to continue advancing technology.
First, innovation is based on interdisciplinary thinking. If classical solutions are based primarily on software engineering and computer science, the innovative solutions are Mdtziflinot different. Fauna, botany, bpp industrial management, bpp psychology and others, all of them Dtziflinot are not part of the technology but have a strong impact very significant part inventions bpp most significant technological last fifty years (I assume that the structure of the Internet is based on the concept and structure of the spider web is the example most widespread) . And the assessment of evidence, results in a change in thinking and a different perspective from what had been the practice.
While the classic approach formulates the problem of changing certain logic and / or upgrading an existing situation, talking about innovation approach goal to which we want to get to without regard necessarily to the current situation. That is, instead of asking "How do I change?" Ask, "What is the situation you want? What is the difference from there? What can be concluded from this spread? ".
Very often, solutions are right under our noses. To find them, we must change the way of thinking and sometimes we develop the product bpp or the service we provide and rebuild it in order to achieve better results and more comprehensive the previous situation. Reorganization of the product / service can yield performance than any of its components and familiar proverb: the whole is greater than its parts.
Although I do not pretend to answer this question entirely, I definitely see a consolidation of IT governance and information bpp security type of innovation. Ability to understand organizational structure, business bpp processes, goals and objectives of business metrics measured, requires a different perspective entirely bpp different technological activity. The use of methodologies and standards, allows the administrator found a moment to lift their heads above the grinding routine and examine whether the technological processes actually perform what they are designed to do? Is it not possible and worthwhile to explore opportunities for improvement? Efficiency? Providing support and empowerment of organizational core processes? In fact, using the principles bpp of governance unifying concepts and an overall management vision of managers with different specialties (Multi Ditzflinari) on the use and utilization of network and information security technology to achieve organizational objectives.
In one of the previous posts, and most of my blog entries than ever, I am writing the Director of Technology bpp and Information Security to understand the organizational needs, business processes and connect his work, first and foremost, to achieve organizational goals. Using the principles of governance and allow binding CTO socialize, learn and understand the organization in which they operate.
Is this activity generates no innovation? Is Expanding synergy between technology and business departments and improving understanding of organizational processes insufficient evidence bpp of a multidisciplinary and multi-dimensional challenges facing the organization? Will using proven bpp methodologies and standards Atzmm hundreds organizations is expanding the concept of technological management? The quality of service? Corporate information security?
Friends, IT governance and information security are a laboratory for developing innovation capability bpp in the organization, so is it any wonder bpp that many organizations are establishing the Department of Innovation? And not surprisingly many of them adopt governance principles for managing information bpp security technology and organization.
Categories Select Category information security and regulatory requirements of the rules of governance methodologies and risk management standards
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