We are women who feel fairs heirs of the development of women's progressive movements in Slovenia pan status that has lasted pan status for 150 years. pan status With these movements we have won: the right to education for all professions, the right to equal pay, universal suffrage, the right to decide their own body and a social nation that allows us the realization of these rights. Within these movement we emancipated pan status from male dominance pan status in public and personal life by the church and a nation is not democratic. We are women who feel responsible not only for protecting the rights obtained and the achievements but also their disclosure, especially construction and improvement pan status
L 'European Union and Slovenia have fallen into a trap in the form of a type of capitalism in which the decision on the consumption of corporate assets created passes by democratically elected authorities and other parties of democratic decisions (political pan status parties, social partners, NGOs), pan status international financial institutions and private corporations and supranational power structures supranational who decide in the economic interests of the most powerful nations pan status and others. It is a transfer - and accumulation - latent economic and political power in a carrier that does not have a legal democratic support. The majority of the world population is increasingly poor and abandoned the whim of a thin layer of authority or a financial-economic oligarchy who stole democracy, the rule of law and the nation's capital to this majority, robbing it of human dignity and a present and a future worthy of man.
The shape of this process Slovenia is characterized by party politics, a denationalization unjust and incomparable to other nations and the systematic corruption; this leads to the destruction of the economic base of the entire society, the regression and lack of independence and dependence universal neo-colonial debtors. The culture that, unlike the world of the culture industry and show business, it does not appear in the financial performance or capital has become the girl of the company and we can become aware of the unavoidable consequences every day, not only in the field of ethics and aesthetics but also on each level of social life.
The circle of victims expands pan status already more than two decades and, after the outbreak of the financial crisis and the global recession in 2008, most people feel the consequences. Despite numerous rumors that publicly and legitimately express their desire for different trends of social development, including economic development, we feel the lack of a vision that respects the need to exceed the existing basic division of the sexes that causes destructive ideas of Government on the 'true' progress
As we understand the protests? The revolt against the political and economic expropriation and against the constant intimidation urged mass protests and has convinced people to take to the streets. What we now call the insurrection Slovenian is the struggle pan status of different unions, movements, interest groups, initiatives, masses of poor people and humiliated but also of creative individuals and socially established pan status that have been neglected or silenced against abuse by the state of law, democratic institutions, including political parties and even against some media that often hide the real content and consequences of this process.
3. a democracy in which the people pan status have in fact the opportunity: - to deal with applications and social demands in the basic forms of social organization (housing, community work and other); - To deliberate on the conditions of life and work in the organs voted democratically and not in the summit of the parties; - For Citizens to work directly in the formation of the criteria for candidates and in the formation of the choice of candidates and then vote for these lists name their representatives, consistently and directly influence their work, check out their responsibilities and if must give the vote of no confidence.
Conscious women in Slovenia we join the movement of insurrection on our own base. We want a fundamental reflection on the so-called masculine values that make the world go (and that are defended and implemented by both men and women) and we struggle through the recognition of the role and potential of women for the revaluation of values in the activities of rule of law and the nation's capital and for a democracy that meets even the most vulnerable pan status social groups. Therefore we demand especially:
5. Put an end to a social nation that is used as u
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