Friday, April 10, 2015

[1] Lynn Margulis ad (b. 1938) is one of the eminent biologists of our time. She opened the mechani

"This book does not claim to be the" truth in the High Court. " ad But it will set out a number of important new information about what we are by nature 'human' beings and why. It also tells about the resulting opportunities.
Not only in terms of neurobiology, but also from the standpoint ad of genetics, the prospect that in its main postulates different from the views of both Darwin and sociobiologists. This will be discussed in this book. Controversial is the question of whether the competition and struggle the primary ad driving forces that control the behavior ad of living systems. In relation to man, these hypotheses are wrong. [1] It is also not true that the genes are rivals and fight for dominance: each gene, so to speak, against the rest of the world. [2] In fact, no one knows what is the internal driving forces of evolution and what are the goals of evolution. Outstanding scientists in the field of biology and medicine, including the American biologist Lynn Margulis (Lynn Margulis), [3] ----
[1] Lynn Margulis ad (b. 1938) is one of the eminent biologists of our time. She opened the mechanism of formation of the so-called eukaryotic ad cells, of which the mechanism of formation ad of the so-called eukaryotic cells, of which all higher organisms. In 2000, Bill Clinton awarded ad her the state award National Medal ofScience (National Medal for scientific ad achievement). ad
believe that the concept of "competition" and "struggle for survival" is a term borrowed from the economy and brought about in biology. Categories success, which dominates economic thinking in biology, in their opinion, does not exist. For the nature of such criteria are irrelevant. ad A growing number of scientists believe that the time has come to question ad some of the implicit, but have become familiar, hypotheses Darwinism and sociobiology. This book aims to oppose the concept of nature, located exclusively or primarily in the state of conflict, a number of the latest results of biological studies that suggest that the Darwinian model of the "war of nature" is one-sided and incomplete and should be replaced with a graded approach.
From the perspective of neuroscience, we are beings aimed at social resonance ad and cooperation. The essence ad of any human motivation ad is to find for yourself and give the other recognition, ad respect, support, or location. But does neuroscience may hold any position on this issue? Is biological scheme by which we are all designed as living beings, can say anything about what behaviors are consistent with our nature, which are in our favor, and which of them can bring us to the disease? When it comes to eating habits or appropriate forms of exercise, we will not hesitate ad to answer this question in the affirmative. But as is the case in those cases when it comes to mental health needs of people ad on how to optimal communication with each other and about what should be public framework to successfully implement such communication? Of course, these issues do not belong to the leading role of biology. However, knowledge of biology can be very important ad to answer the question of what should be a person's life. A number of recent studies show us the man as being oriented in its basic motivations for a stable, positive relationships. And this image is significantly different from that of human nature, natural science developed in the previous century. [1]
As living beings have in some cases very significant potential aggression seemed obvious assumption that the deep biological stimulus of life (including human life) is a competition and struggle. Such an understanding of exactly coincided with the "struggle for survival" that Darwin announced the fundamental law of nature, and for many the question of human nature was solved. Based on this thesis, some people constantly proposing - and put forward so far - the demand creating a social system that does not simply permit competition and selection, but also should help them. Such social projects really actively carried out in many western countries after 1860 and until the middle of the last century, [2] and in recent years has begun again promoting the idea of a society based solely on competition and success supposedly most capable. This view is opposed to the opening in the neurobiology of motivation systems - "drivers" of life.
Arguments in favor of that person, in terms of biology, is a social being, based on three fundamental biological criteria. Firstly, ad the motivational system of the human brain focused on co-operation and manifestation of attention

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