Tegutsemisprintsiip are engaging in a form useful for the cognitive-related knowledge, or experience in formulating methods. In practice, operating successfully in humans, including. Speaking of leaders can often note that they have found their operating environment, significant, effective operating principles (or rules), and use them actively. These principles are often found through practice, but also often picked over the body of literature (who are reading this literature). The performance of these principles is the actor repeatedly tried and usually in practice a person is deeply convinced of their veracity. Principles of Action is the individual - man, they found themselves and their advantages success against other players all depend on largely on whether the principles which it applies, are more effective than others.
For example - Asko kins, one of Ireland's leading commercial clients and graphic design professionals - management presentation at the conference "Ten principles to the management of your company to implement". Two examples Künnap (management) principles: 1) a "good employee makes more than a few off-the three goddamn else, a good supply of staff working environment is not worth saving." 2) "it is important to have certain roles and responsibilities in the organization and not just the individual investigator . More people will be forgiven. "
A principle or a rule or principle of law is different in terms of implementation flexibility. Management is difficult to find the absolute validity of the rules or control "laws", in the sense that the universal laws of mathematics is discovered (mathematics, physics).
Management organizations (management) we encounter the concept of principle-based management (governance principles through). In this method, the idea is very simple: instead of trying to operations, to provide detailed procedures and guidelines set executor is granted to a number of principles (concepts), according to which the activities to be carried out. Principles of implementation must be flexible. Virtually every principle may in certain circumstances become ebaotstarbekohaseks.
Control by means of principles is particularly suitable for dynamically changing environments. As a result of the principles of the concept is widely used in the management of militaartegevuste (because "war is not determined by law"). Concept is built on the principles of the regulations of the army (Morgan, 2003; Vasilyev 2005). Principles is the principle used in P.Lorents books "systems success approach".
Principles-based governance attraction is clear: if you manage to find the right policies, the management is simplified considerably - also note that practitioners. Threat to the principles of generality and descent endless debates over the nature and principles of choice.
Tegutsemisprintsiipide infokäitluse theory is a natural starting point for the organization of teaching. The ultimate goal of information systems in the presence of data processing must be considered not as an end in itself, but a successful operational success support. However, both the training and the practice of monitoring the development of the system shows that people often do not have a clear idea of the nature of this activity, which is infokäitluse organization (information systems) should help to achieve this. Here there is a need to bring a successful action features and elements.
For example, the ability success to talk to the principle of consistency. Operation is often effective, when one of the results (the partial, and negative, the residue) is used to advantage in other work. What does this mean infokäitluse (Information Systems) for the development? - Principles of Action, as they are worded, can provide a logical basis for systematically building up infokäitluse.
Tegutsemisprintsiipe widely applied in practice, as tegutsemisprintsiipide "theory" as such is insufficiently developed. Tegutsemisprintsiipide theory should have some sense of meta-theory.
The universal validity tegutsemisprintsiipe can bring out a whole series, but it was not enough. Universal principles are a lot of people might be too abstract or simply not interesting enough to talk about them. It is not inconceivable that one of the trainers or the theorist is trying to find a universally applicable set of tegutsemisprintsiipide. Can offer some choice, which is used in practice in different cases different subset, modifying and supplementing them.
Teaching Calendar / Course Credit Card Program Study Regulations formalization Solutions Guide Exam 18.12.2013 (Wednesday) and 8.01.2014 (Saturday). Room A-402, 1400. Exam Results as of 09/01/2014
Lecture 1 | Infokäitluse goals LECTURE 2 | Infosystems general characteristics and typology LECTURE 3 | Processes and their investigation LECTURE 4 | Process IT support, process improvement success LECTURE 5 | System Development and Development Method Lecture 6 | Information Economics Lecture 7 | Infosystems cases in Lecture 8 | "Simple" methods for computing
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