Tuesday, May 12, 2015

2015 Today in history: [PHP Manual] -Array Array 2015: [8051] - the instruction set [CH03-p09] 2015

Unemployment benefit great questions 1-- severance pay calculated? vies @ Jashliao vies Blogs :: ruffian Techbang PIXNET ::
First, the boss told me to walk, how to calculate severance pay? Because no contact for a while Pooh king suddenly called me and told me that she has come to the same fate - "by the company laid off", so would like to put some focus down, for your reference. α β α β α β α β α β under the protection of the Labor Standards Law, the boss is not casually walk he called you today, you have to walk today, so they are usually funded The company laid off employees will pay attention to whether there Trailer pay wages and severance pay. (A) notice heck is wages? Because the Labor Standards Act, work less than three months, or until one of the following circumstances, or when the boss wants employees laid off, employees should be informed in advance,
(Employer is not required to give the notice of termination of the labor contract situation) labor any of the following circumstances, the employer could not terminate the contract notice: First, at the conclusion of the labor contract for the false sense that the employers mistakenly believed injured and in danger of person. Second, for the employer, family member, agent or other employer of labor to work together, to commit vies atrocities or acts of major insult. Third, by declaring punishment of imprisonment for more than OK, but not decree suspended or commuted to a fine those who associate. Fourth, in violation of the labor contract or work rules, the circumstances are serious. Five willful loss of machines, tools, materials, products, or other employer of all items, or intentional leakage employer Technically, the secret of the business, caused by the damage by employers. Sixth, unjustified absenteeism three days continue, or absenteeism of six days in a month. The owner of the first paragraph vies in accordance with the preceding vies paragraph, (2) and 4 to 6, the provisions of the termination of the contract, should be aware of the date of its case from the thirty days worth. vies
It means that when you are not a Guaiguai Pai employee, (which may be guilty of gross negligence at work, causing the owner to lose money, bad attitude ... sort of) the company vies labor contract can be terminated at any time for any reason with the above (call you walk), if you have any kind of unfortunate circumstances made the work more or less than three months, you can skip this, because vies you can not require companies to pay part of the wages of notice. If you are a general vies (not any one in the Labor Standards Law Article XII nor less than three months vies of work) is laid off, according to the Labor Standards Law Article 16 to be laid off if the company you should be prior notice, the number of days prior notice vies of the length of your seniority, and different number of days notice.
(Termination notice period the employer of a labor contract) the employer terminates a labor contract in accordance with Article XI or Article 13, proviso, its period of notice vies in accordance with the provisions of the following provisions: First, continue to work not more than three months vies a year Man who, within ten day prior notice. Second, continue to work for more than a year less than three years, on the 20th notice. Third, we continue to work more than three years, in thirty days notice. Labour in the preceding paragraph, after receiving vies notice to find another job in working hours have to leave out. Leave of absence when the number of working hours per week may not exceed two days, according to wages during the leave. Employers Failing to notice the first predetermined period and termination of contract, should pay wages during the notice.
If you're in your current job less than three months of seniority, of course, vies the company need not informed in advance, (because you are still the trial period vies it! On when the trial but Hello!) If you are like me, still less than three full year , the company will have to send me to inform me on the 20th in capital, if seniority is three years ago, the company would in the 30th told Hello! vies In theory, vies that is, the company told me, I must continue to hire at least 20 days. However, vies the company usually fear that they will affect employee morale, (because no one can guarantee you that the rest of the 20th can not be lazy to work), so will be in the day to inform you, called you to come back the next day do not, If this is the case, even if the company requires that 20 days you do not have to continue to work, they should pay for this 20 days of salary. (In fact, this way you earn the contrary, if you find another job within 20 days, the equivalent of the rest of the day there are two pay day) In my case, I called the company 97/12/16 vies Tomorrow (12/17) do not come back to work, then I would not go to work naturally 12/17, vies but the company vies actually have to pay my salary to 98/1/5 and 1/5 to exit labor, which 20 The days of salary, wages that notice. However, during this period, perhaps your business or ask you to continue to work, it is normal and legitimate, however, during this period you can in order to find a job and leave next week can not be more than two days, (one week you can leave two days to find a job) and leave period, the company still have to pay your salary. α β α β α β α β α β (b) severance pay can get how much? Calculation of severance pay partakers old system to 94 July 1 as the cutoff point. Old system: one month for each full year will give severance pay average wages. The new system: each full year will give two weeks severance pay average wages.

(In contrast to the regular vies definition) on behalf of any other regular Article 2.3 of this Law referred vies to the means given to give other than the following provisions. A dividend. Second, the bonus: that year-end bonuses, vies prize competitions, the study found bonuses, special merit bonus, any bonus for a long time, saving fuel materials and other non-recurring bonus prize. Third, the Spring Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival to with gold. Fourth, Medicaid expenses, workers and their children's education subsidies. Five workers directly affected by the service fee from the customer's. Sixth, weddings, presenting the gift by the employer, or funeral offering condolence vies payments, etc. Seven, occupational accident compensation. Eight, labor insurance, and employers added workers to the insured commercial insurance premiums vies paid. Nine, travel, travel allowances and expense. Ten, overalls, work supplies and vouchers. XI, the other by the central competent authority in conjunction with the central competent authority vies Specified.
If you're like me to work full six months, that our average wage is the total amount of wages the first six months of the period divided by the total number of days, in my case, call the company at 97/12/16 I do not come, So the total wage push forward is November, October, September, August, July, June, (because salary has not been paid in December) since I was about recruits, salary is very fixed, originally 32,000 , just the July contract, salary increase of 2%, so that the total amount of 32640 July, six months, and our boss is very nice, plus the timing is very good, so the boss will not originally included three sections gifts (Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival) are considered to come up, (because the boss was very good relations have considered gifts come in three sections, each is 1000) inadvertently increase the amount of my salary, Naturally, my average wage It will be a little higher than other times again. Calculate vies the total number of days it is very simple! June = 30 days = 31 days in July, August = 31 days ... and so on, (if not, then I think you can ask national small children!) So add a total of 183 days, in addition to the provisions of the Civil Code a month is 30 days, so my average wage algorithm: (33000 + 32640 + 32640 + 33640 + 32640 + 32640) vies / 183 * 30 32328 That month the average wage, so I financed the year severance pay = 32328 My seniority is just a year and five months, and I had a new system, one year of seniority can only receive half of the severance pay, severance pay so base = (1 year + (5 May / 12) ) * 0.5 0.708 total severance pay = 32328 * 0.708 = 22888 This is my severance pay Hello!
2015 Today in history: [PHP Manual] -Array Array 2015: [8051] - the instruction set [CH03-p09] 2015: a company linux exam / answer (300 questions) Collection [120] -2015/05/08 2015: Apple - News Magic [Music] (May 8, 2015) 2014: unemployment benefit great questions 3 - early reemployment award grants 2014: unemployment benefit great questions 2 - count as "involuntary separation"? 2014: On the labor disputes (involuntary separations book) 2014: 00191. one English daily notes, "What vies are you doing?" 2014: Apple - News Magic [Music] (May 8, 2014) 2014: [Life apostrophe Step] - JiuChao change banknotes 2013: Shell function calculates the time difference 2012: [VC (Visual C ++)] - 70_ detect CPU and memory usage _ and were recorded into the archive sorry, was dismissed due to meet, think to ask you: I went to the new company, to work only two months, the company asked me to leave, because I said some people vies complained in the chat. I asked for severance pay and a certificate of involuntary separations. The company has not let me go through vies involuntary separation procedures before, I is not have to continue to work? If the company has been delayed to handle, I may have a way to make the company to expedite? Because we do not want to continue to work in this company, but the reason people do not want to Momobizi forget! The company has not let me go through involuntary separation procedures before, I is not have to continue to work? Ans: must go, and have a punch card records, if not to the punch, but also took photos as evidence, additional records should record all conversations, all email backup to protect themselves. If the company has been delayed vies to handle, I may have a way to make the company to expedite? Ans: The company vies wants you to leave things a complaint to the local labor bureau. In listing my opinion, I hope for your help, I wish smooth severance pay and get a certificate of involuntary separations.
jash.liao Reply # 2 on 2015/01/11 13:20 2015/01/20 22:02 Avalon authors add in other major labor dispute vies solvability labor history Taiwan stride Source: https://tw.news .yahoo.com /% E8% 8F% AF% E9% 9A% 86% E7% AD% 89% E9% 87% 8D% E5% A4% A7% E5% 8B% 9E% E8% B3% 87% E7% 88% AD% E8% AD% B0% E6% 9C% 89% E8% A7% A3-% E5% 8F% B0% E7% 81% A3% E5% 8B% 9E% E5% 8B% 95% E5% 8F % B2% E9% 82% 81% E5% A4% A7% E6% AD% A5-160000375.html Legislature today the third reading at stake in labor wages, severance pay, pension vies rights 28 amendments to the Labor Standards Law, many major labor disputes a solution, but also a symbol of Taiwan's labor history go down a big step forward. Labor Standards Law 28 has two key amendments, one to go out of business liquidation of bankrupt companies, pad pad compensation fund employee compensation range from six months wages fell swoop expanded to pension (old system), severance pay (old system), two Total person months (six base). Second, labor should be liquidated debt, except from wages to expand pension (old system), severance pay (old system), the creditor and the overall promotion related to the first pick in the same mortgage, reversing the weak labor allocation in debt situation. The original version vies of the plan amendment hospital buffer period of one year, but the government and the public consultation version of the abolition expand pad compensation grace period, the bill through on the road; The overall debt grace period shortened vies to eight months, it is expected to take effect in October this year in order to adjust the financial institutions credit system. In response to cushion pad compensation vies compensation fund to expand the scope, pad cap employer paying the monthly vies compensation rates will also increase, from the current ten ten thousandths to fifteen ten thousandths. Over the past 20 years, industrial relocation is serious, closed factories and businesses vies numerous cases, full-time boss owed wages, pensions, labor is the biggest loser. Over the past few years off factory workers from all connections, Avalon Self-Help Association, Prince Edward cars and other labor dispute vies cases, four labor protest, let government units exhausted. To this end, the Ministry of Labor substantial renovation of the Labor Standards Act 28, a comprehensive approach vies to labor claims. vies Amendments widen the wage compensation fund range mat, so the pension severance pay owed workers can get at least six base, then subrogation claims by the government. As follow-up to the outstanding amount of the mortgage by enhancing overall, may consult with the consortium and other creditor institutions prorated. [Reporter vies Chen Suling Taipei Labor Standards Act Amendments third reading today, significantly enhance the overall labor claims, and to expand the scope of compensation pad, although not retroactive, but Labor Department will apply a liberal interpretation of the time, a number of dispute cases As Prince car, Avalon Self-Help Association, Kellett photoelectric, declared bankruptcy vies last month, public telecommunications vies labor dispute cases, expected some sort of relief. Avalon vies large garden plant auction 2.43 billion yuan last year, but labor claims assigned only 1.96 million yuan, 2200 yuan per capita assigned; Prince headquarters building cars the year before auction Dyna 9.1 billion yuan, 650 million yuan debt self-help will only be assigned 60 million yuan, highlighting the weak position of labor in credit allocation. Labor Standards Act 28 will labor wages, vies pensions and severance pay claims up to the first overall vies mortgage the same way, will be a substantial increase vies in the amount of labor distribution. Ministry of Labor said that the Labor Standards Law 28 expanded mat compensation range for the object must conform institution bankruptcy, termination, liquidation, its recognized benchmark, will be subject to the relevant program ends. For example, although in the last month Fitel declared bankruptcy, but bankruptcy proceedings still in progress, to confirm if the insolvency proceedings occurred after adoption vies of the amendment, they can still apply. Fitel is currently owed about 100 employees, about 30 million severance pay, staff should be available next six base pads severance pay compensation; the year before the outbreak of the Kellett photoelectric labor disputes, currently in bankruptcy proceedings, is expected to catch up with suitable the new law. As for the allocation of overall debt increase, eight months after the entry into force, the labor ministry said then places the court decision vies as a benchmark for credit allocation. In Avalon Self-Help Association, for example, after a large garden plant sale, labor claims assigned to only 1.96 million yuan, but the future second phase

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