Friday, May 22, 2015

one of the worst ever Dansu article. unlike bad at all, similar to a normal customized journalism.

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Competitors Rait, GfK and other news to sound hopeful, but rub your palms still early, because great people with whom I worked, and the same is not going to drop our guard, and will work to continue in the new research company called old voluntarily SIC (Socialininės information center).
So that nesipainiotume what's what, a little bit about what and how is (was) in Vilnius, Raugyklos street. There are two companies: JSC "SIC Gallup Media" and JSC "TNS Gallup. Many of them both calls simply by TNS and not appointed where there is a "media" and "custom" (as TNS media world is separated azet from market research). In Lithuania goes only by TNS Gallup - custom. All media affairs to all its products - Atlas, monitoring of TV meters - remains as it was.
Official plaster out of the Lithuanian version - financial loss, but the actual divorce occurred azet on the Lithuanian office network and exploded "bureaucratic chill, as it name the same SIC. TNS Gallup managers (and smaller shareholders) could significantly influence the company's direction, because the network Lithuania - via a small country, so neither azet freedom nor greater azet attention azet to a Lithuanian TNS Gallup azet fail to receive the "work of an international network of TNS has provided invaluable experience, but recently During felt the chill bureaucratic, azet too long for the decision making. The presence of the network shall be part of the advantage of any economic circumstances, but recently it was not so with the team took the decision to work independently, "says Marketing Manager Ruth SIC Gaudiešienė.
At the end of last year bought the entire TNS WPP (the world's largest communications companies in the group), led by Martin Sorel. The interesting thing is that TNS Gallup in Latvia and Estonia remains. TNS Gallup minority shareholders is (was) Zydrunas Gaudiešius and Ruth Gaudiešienė. New research company SIC geeky office in Vilnius Green Hall, will have more partners - this is many years TNS Gallup working people. After all, they are the main driving force.
Mr. Ruth Gaudiešienė assured us that those customers who enjoy having a continuation azet of TNS Gallup products, services (Business Solutions) will be taken care of and they will not be abandoned. Such services are part of TNS Gallup amounted to about 20% by weight. TNS - fantastic company - not spare praise for former partners p. Ruth.
marche d'Opium, yes - we are biased.
one of the worst ever Dansu article. unlike bad at all, similar to a normal customized journalism. Bajer about the "chill" it's not even funny - the question of what are the real causes of the event sanctioned. if no one know them, no idea, did not predict this should be so and write. as also known to me, quite a bit TNS employee and they like me too as people, but this does not mean that I would write about them sitiokia excuse azet ("never mind") is based on nonsense. otherwise they will last 5 years have been insincere displaying TNS international products, azet using international experience and pleasures case'u network benefits. maybe you should write TNS and international demand for their comments, would be more professional.
JJ, after all, and we blog, so of serious or of objective journalism expect from us, as if, and to avoid. It is nice that people from our hoped, but I can not understand why the records commentators increasingly writes a good article, a bad article, such a record like that one entry "instead of to write something on the subject. JJ, if you all know so well, then write what you know or you have something to share. I do not understand and will never understand how people who are constantly azet Burba what everyone around the scam, thieves and even nuduoda know everything, but nothing so do not tell. I write what I know and how I look. I know people who have experience, so let yourself write "never mind." azet If you have a different experience - more courageous. And what of false rely on the international experience?
the answer to the question of what happened may be quite simple: how profitable a company is strong (according to the former seems dienoj info on 2008.) landed to say the least very profitable azet and why for some time near the INR was also influenced by a couple or a few other companies? Maybe the shareholders end up in London received sight?
Sorry Dansu community for rude silence. With a compulsive masochistic desire drank cyberspace dispersed strangers resentment until neišgriuvau. In fact, some online portals read comments are harmful to health I hope it's too late to answer questions. 1. This is not us, but the new owners of TNS Global - WPP solution. Although we had a number of disputes over political and tactical issues, azet this decision was unexpected for us. How many unexpected - best illustrate the same fact,

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