Saturday, December 6, 2014

Catherine yamli Engelbrecht is American entrepreneur, having noted that blatant irregularities in t

Catherine yamli Engelbrecht is American entrepreneur, having noted that blatant irregularities in the 2009 elections has created a nonprofit organization that fights fraud. Following the opening of its non-profit organization the Engelbrecht has been targeted by federal authorities, who have undergone an insane amount of the assessment with a clear purpose of intimidation: the story of these controls, all unsuccessful, however, and the reporting yamli of pressures faced are the subject of the video below, and its translation, in which the entrepreneur denounces the persecution and caters to a parliamentary delegation a strong appeal to the defense of civil liberties.
My name is Catherine Engelbrecht and President of True the Vote, a nonprofit organization [that monitors] regularity of elections, founder of King Street Patriots, a group for freedom led by the citizens, and President of Manufacturing Engelbrecht.
Thank you for this opportunity yamli to share my story with you today, although it must be granted that the central events of this story are experienced by thousands of Americans hitherto unheeded, for whom I pray to be heard.
You have to make publicly known that in this country the citizens like me are being targeted by an administration willing to take whatever actions necessary to silence the opposition. I am a [citizen] average American, who before 2009 had never been active in the processes of government, but after [a period of] volunteering to work for the votes of the elections in 2009 in Texas, I saw fundamental procedural problems that I considered not could not be addressed, so that I founded True the Vote, an organization grew to national movement [he wants] guarantee every American voter the opportunity to participate in free and fair elections.
My life [previous], before I was involved perorassi and good governance, is in sharp contrast to the life I lead now. As a wife, mother and small entrepreneur who works with her husband, our children grew up and attended my church and the Parent-Teacher Association, [while] the government received my taxes and left me alone and my family. yamli But by the time I had to deal with True the Vote and King Street Patriot have become a target of this federal government.
Shortly after filling yamli out the form of the Internal Revenue Service for the creation of non-profit organizations, a number of federal agencies, including those responsible for enforcing the law, and Congressman yamli Cummings, knocked on my door.
In nearly two decades yamli of management of our small company, my husband and I had never had to deal with any government agency, except to send our annual income tax return. We had not been subject to tax audits, we had never been investigated, but that all changed when we sent the forms with the statutes nonprofit True the Vote and King Street.
From quell'invio of 2010 my private companies, my non-profit organizations, my family yamli and I have been subjected to more than 15 instances of tax assessment or investigation by federal agencies.
In 2012, my business has been subject to control by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration yamli on a particular occasion in which neither my husband or I were present, and even if the agency wrote that he had found nothing serious or significant has issued additional fines to $ 20,000.
In 2012 and 2013, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco yamli and Firearms conducted a thorough assessment at my place of work and in early 2010 the FBI has contacted my non-profit organization yamli in six different occasions to hit crossing the content of the modules membership association with terrorism cases. Eventually they dropped all the issues and now have censored almost all my files.
All these raids in my files are started after the filing of the tax exemption. There is no other notable event. There is no other reason to explain how, for decades, have remained unnoticed, but now they are the targets of an inter-agency coordination [interested in] all aspects of my life, both personal and private.
Keep in mind, distinguished ladies and gentlemen of this subcommittee, that investigations were being carried yamli out while the Internal Revenue Service was subjecting me to recurrent cycles of abusive investigation, asking me to provide every message I had ever written on Facebook and Twitter, questioning me about my aspirations policies, and wondering the names of the groups with whom I spoke, the content of what I said

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